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1) a person suffering from faulty vision caused by the lens of the eye having the wrong shape (astigmatic)

2) the attractive qualities that give pleasure to the senses (especially the eye and ear) or to the mind or the intellect (beauty)

3) an arch of hair about the eye (brow)

4) either side of the face below the eye (cheek)

5) a medical specialist in diseases of the eye (oculist)

6) of the eye or the sense of sight (optic)

7) (a length of) cotton, silk, wool etc, especially for use in sewing and weaving; something long and thin like a thread; a line of thought or action (connecting parts of a story etc); the spiral ridge round a screw or bolt; to pass a thread through the eye of (a needle) (thread)


the act of examining or being examined; a (usually written) test of knowledge or ability

test, analysis


a thorough and detailed examination

close examination

THE EYE as in Wiktionary
THE EYE as in Wikipedia